Apologies for communicating this only now, but some of you might be interested to know that the EUR Open Science Campaign Research Transparency: From Preregistration to Open Access started on March 1st and is in full swing! This month-long event is organized by Erasmus University Rotterdam (specifically Erasmus Research Institute of Management, the University Library, and Erasmus Research Services)… and is open to everyone!
Our invited speakers discussed the usefulness of preregistration, its connection with philosophy of science and theory generation, and its practical implications for qualitative research. Three experienced researchers addressed popular concerns on preregistration, which led to a rich and interesting discussion. Two hands-on sessions also showed how to preregister on the Open Science Framework.
Future sessions will be focused on other open research practices, including reliable measurement, open materials, and open access publishing. For more information, check out the programme. If you missed the events, watch the recordings on YouTube.
Hope to see you there!