The European Comission’s Horizon Europe programme now contains an Open Science policy (see page 38 of the programme guide for extra details) and funding will be provided for a variety of OS and related projects.
I pulled out the Open Science related actions from WP 11 that look like they could be of interest to the forum community and listed them below (the following post contains grants related to infrastructure from WP 3). Note that I’ve just copied text from the first section on the expected contribution of projects, the work package document contains more details for each call (the type refers to the eligible activities section on page 13 of Annex B; my apologies if I’ve copied anything incorrectly!). The calls for 2021/22 are now searchable on the EC’s funding and tenders page. Please feel free to share other Horizon Europe grant that could be of interest.
WP-11 Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area
(page numbers in this post refer to pdf at the WP-11 link, links are to the funding portal)
Call - European Research Area 2021 (pg 67)
Deadline for all grants in this call: 23 September 2021
Modelling and quantifying the impacts of open science practice
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-40 - pg 74
- Contribute towards: Structured evidence of scientific, societal and economic impacts of open science practice, complemented by the new methods, tools and data required to measure them. Better knowledge on how impacts develop and how a diversity of benefits can be achieved at scientific, societal and economic levels. Better understanding on how the practice of open science can contribute to the increased reproducibility of research results.
- Type: Research and innovation action
- Expected funding: €2 million for 1 project
Global cooperation on FAIR data policy and practice
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-41 - pg 76
- Contribute towards: Strengthened international cooperation to increase and mainstream FAIRness of data and digital objects. Connection of disconnected initiatives on data management, data stewardship and FAIR data practices, across borders and disciplines, as enablers of open science. Increased FAIR data sharing within and across scientific disciplines and innovation sectors.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €1 million/project for 2 projects
Capacity-building for institutional open access publishing across Europe
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-43 - pg 79
- Contribute towards: Improved understanding of the current landscape of institutional scientific publishing activities across Europe. Coordination amongst institutional publishing services and initiatives across Europe at the non-technological level and improve their overall service efficiency, in particular in a multilingual environment. Actionable recommendations for strategies regarding institutional publishing in research performing organisations across the European Research Area.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €3 million for 1 project
- Duration limit: No longer than 36 months
Societal trust in science, research and innovation
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-44 - pg 80
- Contribute towards: Recommendations for policy makers, research funding and performing organisations, higher education institutions and other research and innovation actors for tackling societal mistrust in science, research and innovation; Recommendations for strengthening the co-creation of R&I contents by society, and for the spreading of good practices and evidence of their effects.
- Type: Research and innovation action
- Expected funding: €2 million for 1 project
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-45 - pg 83
- Contribute towards: Consolidated information on initiatives for reforming the assessment of research and researchers, taking better account of open science practice. Connection of existing initiatives at European level, facilitating mutual learning, and stimulating consensus building among the stakeholders. Pilots on new metrics, methods and institutional changes for reforming the assessment of research and researchers, which lead to better rewarding the practice of open science, as well as related issues such as gender equality, science education, and academia-industry collaboration.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €2 million for 1 project
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-60 - pg 84
- Contribute towards: Strengthened links and collaboration between citizen science initiatives and other research and innovation actors; Increased capacity to conduct excellent research and innovation through citizen science, while maximising other potential benefits of citizen science; Data infrastructures better aligned to the needs of citizen science, and improved data practices employed by citizen science initiatives; Europe positioned as a leader in citizen science throughout the entire research and innovation system with flourishing and mutually beneficial global collaborations.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €4 million for 1 project
- Duration limit: No shorter than 3 years
Supporting and giving recognition to citizen science in the European Research Area
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-61 - pg 87
- Contribute towards: Significant number of experimental citizen science initiatives kick-started; Significant number of citizen science initiatives supported to become sustainable; Significant number of newcomers to the Framework Programme and a significant number of citizens involved in co-producing scientific knowledge; Increased recognition of excellent citizen science initiatives throughout the European Research Area; Improved evidence base for making policy on citizen science.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €5 million for 1 project
- Duration limit: No shorter than 4 years
Developing a STE(A)M roadmap for Science Education in Horizon Europe
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-70 - pg 89
- Contributes towards: Better knowledge on policy deficiencies and better understanding of needs; Identify synergies between second and third level education, and between education and business; Contributions to future Policy actions; Promoting an integrated learning continuum between second and third level education and between education and business; Convince students and citizens about the opportunities within policy areas such as the Green Deal, Digitisation and Health.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €1.5-1.75 million for 3 projects
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-90 - pg 94
- Contribute towards: the activity proposed is expected to propose an operational ethics and integrity framework, which preserves the key ethics principles while supporting a rapid and effective response to a crisis and improving overall preparedness.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €4.5 million to 1 project
- Note: proposals must include at least two participants from China, Korea and/or African countries nonassociated to Horizon Europe
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-91 - pg 97
- Contribute towards: The recent rapid development of new technologies with high potential socio-economic impact constitutes in this regard an important challenge: ensuring that technological transformations go hand in hand with the protection and promotion of fundamental rights thus ensuring that people can prosper, enjoy their rights and freedoms and live without discrimination. In this context, because of the continuous globalisation of the research activities involving those new technologies, the risk of ethics dumping, the exportation of unacceptable practices outside the EU is a growing concern. The action proposed should address these issues in mobilising the research ethics community and develop the necessary education, awareness and training actions as well as propose possible adaptation of the ethics review process.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €4.5 million to 1 project
- Note: proposals must include at least two participants from China, Korea and/or African countries nonassociated to Horizon Europe
Call - European Research Area 2022 (pg 100)
Deadline for all grants in this call: 20 April 2022
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-40 - pg 109
- Contribute towards: Consolidated evidence base on sustainable institutional and territorial changes towards open and responsible research and innovation; A central point of expertise providing services and support for research and innovation institutions, and territories, to open up to society; A significant number of institutions and territories in the European Research Area (ERA) become more porous to society, align with the needs, values and expectations of society, improve the excellence of their research and innovation, promote gender equality, and reduce instances of ethical misconduct; Reduction in disparities between institutions and territories in terms of their attention to open and responsible research and innovation.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €5 million to 1 project
Increasing the reproducibility of scientific results
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-41 - pg 112
- Contribute towards: Structured understanding of the underlying drivers, of concrete and effective interventions - funding, community-based, technical and policy - to increase reproducibility of the results of R&I; and of their benefits; Effective solutions, policy-, technical- and practice-based, to increase the reproducibility of R&I results in funding programmes, in communities and in the dissemination of scientific results; Greater collaboration, alignment of practices and joint action by stakeholders to increase reproducibility, including but not limited to training, specialised careers and guidelines for best practice.
- Type: Research and innovation action
- Expected funding: €2 million to 2 projects
Supporting the development of aligned policies for open access books and monographs
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-42 - pg 114
- Contribute towards: Improve the understanding of the current landscape of scientific book and monograph publishing in different fields of science in which it plays an important role, and in particular the bottlenecks in strategies and policies for their open access. Support aligned funder and institutional policies for open access monographs and books within the open science culture in the European Research Area and facilitate their coordination.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €2 million to 1 project
- Duration limit: No longer than 24 months
Developing and piloting training on the practice of open and responsible research and innovation
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-44 - pg 115
- Contribute towards: Consolidated evidence base on open and responsible research and innovation training for researchers at all stages of their careers across the European Research Area. Development and piloting of high-quality training to a significant number of researchers on diverse aspects of open and responsible research and innovation. Establishment of a platform for further development of training, mutual learning, and dissemination of recommendations to authorities and institutions responsible for researcher training.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €3.5 million to 1 project
A European competence centre for science communication
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-60 - pg 122
- Contribute towards: Consolidation of knowledge and development of guidelines, tools, innovative strategies, and recommendations to improve science communication for all research and innovation actors; Establishment of a European competence centre for science communication, sustained beyond the lifetime of funding; Increased networking and mutual learning, higher quality, more trustworthy, and more rapidly mobilised science communication by national authorities, businesses, civil society organisations, other stakeholders and projects.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €3 million to 1 project
- Duration limit: More than 4 years
Open schooling for science education and a learning continuum for all
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-70 - pg 124
- Contribute towards: Promote creation of new partnerships that foster networking, sharing and applying science and technology research findings amongst teachers, researchers and professionals across different enterprises; Engage learners in meaningful real-life problem-solving situations, within education, the workplace and other learning environments; Encourage science studies and science careers by supporting cross-community networks of stakeholders to address issues such as the Green Deal, Health and Digitalisation; Increase female participation in science studies and science careers and deconstruct gender stereotypes; Foster, share and apply science and innovation research to different genres of enterprises eg start-ups, SMEs, entrepreneurs; Encourage mentoring across the different groups involved in the partnerships in order to take full advantage of science, technology, research and innovation; Encourage industry-funded innovation to become part of lifelong learning programmes
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: € 1.5 to 2 million/project for 3 projects
The empirical and behavioural approach to research ethics and integrity
- HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-91 - pg 129
- Contribute towards: This action aims to improve the understanding of researchers’ behaviours and incorporate this knowledge in measures aiming at enhancing promotion of ethics and integrity principles through shared responsibility (individual and institutional), improved education and training processes and qualified mentoring and support. Guaranteeing a generalised and consistently high level of research ethics and integrity, could drastically improve the relevance, robustness, accessibility and dissemination of research results and enhance societal trust in the scientific process.
- Type: Community and support action
- Expected funding: €3 million to 1 project
Are you interested in applying for funding from one of these actions? Why not pitch your idea here, the forum community can be a good source of feedback and you might even find a collaborator!
(IGDORE affiliates - if you’d like to discuss applying for a grant PM me)