well, i wrote a petition for the indonesian government last week. planning to write a local/regional, national and global proposal based on it this week.
for those too lazy to click, see below. the references section would be updated soon, containing many more latest related information.
Indonesia Against Pandemic - Act Nationally and Internationally Now!
To the Indonesian national government (executive, legislative, and judiciary branches),
President and his ranks of officials
Bank Indonesia and its officials
MPR and its ranks of officials
DPR and its ranks of officials
DPD and its officials
MA and its ranks of officials
MK and its ranks of officials
All other state institutions and their ranks of officials
Indonesians are resilient!
Last weekend, close to midnight, a friend collapsed. He had a heart attack!
Fortunately, Indonesia’s health system is still resilient. The friend underwent surgery in a hospital; the cost of treatment borne entirely by the state through BPJS Kesehatan.
Unfortunately, Indonesia’s production and distribution system is not as resilient. We were searching for face masks in modern minimarkets and 24-hour pharmacies within a 3-km radius of the hospital. To no avail!
Indonesians are ingenious!
Within 2 hours, the friend’s son, whom we asked to bring a mask, had created an emergency mask. See photos below.
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic engulfing Indonesia, the resilience and ingenuity of the Indonesian people need to be strengthened.
However, seeing the weak and slow response of the national government, we were burning with anger. Especially when compared to the response of other governments around the world.
The reasoning is trite: the national government has little money. So the best it can do is to divert its existing budget, not increase it massively.
Compare this with the current discourse and practice ongoing in the United States and the European Union, which have led to policies of universal basic income and job guarantees.
Even though Indonesia is far richer than the United States and the European Union in terms of natural resources. Its population is also undergoing a demographic bonus.
Furthermore, the Indonesian constitution has alluded, and can even be said to have mandated, these two policies in its Article 27 Subsection 2: “Every citizen has the right to work and to live in human dignity”.
Now is a golden opportunity for the Indonesian national government to implement a ‘Job & Income Guarantee’ (JIG) which protects every citizen in every region of Indonesia, not only the middle-to-upper class citizens in cities!
How? Is Indonesia similar to the United States and the European Union in terms of monetary sovereignty?
Actually, yes!
However, in order for the JIG policy to be more effective and permanent, now is also the right time for the Indonesian government and people to renegotiate relevant agreements and contracts with international parties to enable Indonesia to implement its constitution fully.
In the midst of the current global health and economic crisis, it is time for Indonesia to play a role in ‘the establishment of a world order based on freedom, perpetual peace and social justice’.
Hence, now is also the time for Indonesia to contribute to the redesign of the international financial and monetary system.
Indonesia can lead similar countries with its JIG policy. We have a pioneering history, for example the momentous Asian-African Conference held in Bandung at the middle of the last century.
It is not too late to strengthen the resilience and ingenuity of the Indonesian people domestically so it can lead globally.
Were those not the reasons for Indonesian independence?
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Why we need an Emergency Basic Income
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Public health requires temporary universal basic income
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Universal Basic Income is an affordable and feasible response to coronavirus
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Why more than 500 political figures and academics globally have called
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EVERY Briton could be paid universal basic salary
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Covid-19 and the Need, Right Now, For a Universal Basic Income
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Coronavirus: Over 170 MPs and Lords call for universal basic income
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What Would Roosevelt Do?
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We Can Afford to Beat This Crisis
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America is in crisis. We need universal basic income now
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Denmark’s Idea Could Help the World Avoid a Great Depression
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Rep. Rashida Tlaib Proposes $1,000 Monthly Coronavirus Payments
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Stephanie Kelton: Just Use ‘the Computer’ to Give People More Money
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We are all Modern Monetarists now
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To get through coronavirus lockdown, we need basic income
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AOC, OMAR, TLAIB AND BERNIE ON CORONAVIRUS: LIVE ROUNDTABLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-30JR5Cojc
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Bill Mitchell: It’s Modern Monetary Theory time! No, it always has been!
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Dirk Ehnts, Warren Mosler – A Euro Zone Proposal for Fighting the Economic Consequences of the Coronavirus Crisis