Could anyone guide me on the Role of Collaboration in Modern Research ??

Hey everyone,

I have been thinking a lot about the importance of collaboration in today’s research environment. It seems like more than ever, breakthroughs are happening at the intersection of different disciplines.

I am curious how others here view the role of collaboration in their work.

In my own experience, working with people from different fields has really opened up new perspectives that I wouldn’t have considered on my own.

But I have also seen challenges like differences in terminology and methodology, that can slow down the process.

Do you think the benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration outweigh the challenges: ?? How do you navigate the complexities that come with it: ??

And for those of you who mainly work within a single discipline,… do you feel there’s pressure to collaborate outside your field: ?? I also read this Benefits Of Collaborative Research | Plantae Flutter this helped me a lot and now I am looking to see if there are more tips and tricks for this.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences…! :grinning:

Thanks Steve Smith

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I have really enjoyed working with people outside my discipline. I am a molecular biologist and have worked with some artists. From our conversations we have begun to understand how our processes are similar - but have different terminology. I really enjoy the perspective that is different from my own and it has inspired me in my own research. I feel it will be difficult to have the collaborations formally recognised in my own field though, but I think this is improving.


In brief, I can only tell you that, like in any other social enterprise (research is to a large extent a social business too), you will find people with whom you can collaborate and those with whom you cannot. Trial and error. And the reasons are too many to enumerate, from what you mentioned about terminology or concepts that may substantially differ to the personalities of the “colleagues”. Just try and see. In my experience, you will probably start more collaborations that will lead nowhere than those which will be meaningful.

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