Gaia Zaffaroni

Warm welcome to IGDORE, Gaia Zaffaroni!

Gaia holds a Master in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics from the University of Milan and a PhD in Computational Biology from the University of Luxembourg. During her academic career she worked on biological networks and Boolean models, and developed an interest in well thought and impactful data visualization. She is now working as a data scientist in a private company, and contributes her skills to research projects that follow Open Science principle and serve the society as a whole.

For the full list of IGDORE’s affiliated researchers and researchers in training, click here .

See the full list of their publications here .


Welcome to IGDORE Gaia! We hope to see you in the forum soon :wave:

I’m interested to hear which Open Science projects you have/are contributing to?

Hi Gaia!

Congrats to your PhD, and warm welcome!
