Thanks for the link, I will definitely watch the recording
Thanks Paola. Congratulations on the MOOC integration which I just read in our newsletter. This is amazing news! If there is anything we might be able to do to help out, please do not hesitate to reach out as we all love Open Science here.
That is fantastic to hear, @keithtse, as as a matter of fact we’ll open a call soon to gather interested people in working on it! I will share an update as soon as the Global Board and the OS MOOC SC finish working on the transition! Thanks!
Thanks. I am on the MOOC Slack platform already and I see that there is a wealth of discussions going on. Please feel free to ping me either here or there whenever you want. I am always at your disposal.
Excellent blogpost by @brucecaron :
New paper by @Daniel_Cleather :
Really nice, @brucecaron, made me think a lot about this presentation I gave some time ago: Open Science as a driver to change?. Open Science can be the driver for the change we need in the research endeavor.
Very nice tweets by @pcmasuzzo :
Happy Women’s Day everyone!
Congratulations @Jelle !
Thank you, @keithtse This is my first peer-reviewed anatomical publication. Hopefully more will follow soon!
New paper by @uri.wernik :
Congratulations Zahid Ullah! His IGDORE affiliation is listed as being based in Cleveland, Middlesbrough, U.K…
New paper by @amelie.gourdon , and a very interesting one too!
Hanjo Hamann has an exciting new paper!
Zahid Ullah has a new paper which also lists IGDORE as being based in Middlesborough :
That’s in line with the author instructions from IGDORE. The primary recommendation is to not include any geographical location. If a geographical location is needed, then one may choose any location one finds suitable.
Congratulations @Michael