I d like to invite all IGDORE authors who contributed at least one publication to the output (in 2021, 2020?) to join hands and provide a Publication Academy online course, free of charge for IGDORE and Ronin Institute scholars, and maybe for a small fee to others? If we get this project off the ground, we should be able to find funding for providing this training and creating an open access resource etc etc. Look forward to adhesions. Reply to this thread plz
Hi @paoladm, interesting! Do you already have some ideas on the content of this course? Can you point to an existing course that inspired you? Or something you have already done?
Nice idea @paoladm! I like the idea of IGDORE’s authors sharing their knowledge with the community. I doubt that all authors would be interested/available to teach in the course but I expect enough people would be interested to make this work. Have you also pitched this at Ronin?
I think that reaching out by email would be the best way to get authors involved (as always, this forum is a bit less active than it could be…). I can help with this, but I agree with Antonio that it would be good to have a bit more of a developed description or at least a reference example for what your vision is.
Aside, would a MOOC format be suitable for the course? If so, it’s worth noting that @pcmasuzzo has been experimenting with an OpenEdx provider that we are looking at to host IGDORE educational content in future.
(incidentally, I notice that I haven’t yet contributed to the IGDORE’s output Some affiliated papers should be coming next year )
Thank you for your interest, when I worked as a lecturer I used to teach research methods and academic writing as part of the graduate programme, Here is a current program on offe as an example https://www.publicationacademy.com/
Gavin, Yes the MOOC platform provider will do, how do we go about set this up? I ll be happy to share my curriculum and resources and if others collaborate with this we could come up with a collective curriculum/resource Have not yet had the change to invite the Roniners to collaborate on this, will do sometime soon, or feel free to share the project as you see fit. Does Igdore have a place for a web page that we can open or shoujld we work on gituhub or what do you think?
As another example, I recently saw that AuthorAID also offers 3 types of research writing MOOCs on Moodle (research writing in sciences, research writing in social sciences, research writing and proposal writing).
They recently won an award for these. https://www.authoraid.info/en/news/details/1493/
This looks excellent we may have to generate some added value wrt what is already available Maybe creating some verticals, addressing specific issues like registrations, research designs and domain specific writing tips
Maybe we should start a Igdore writing club https://www.authoraid.info/en/resources/details/1391/
Sorry for the delayed reply. By writing club do you mean something like a readership group (where people provide feedback on others papers/grants, probably not meeting based) or something more like a writing peer-support group/community of practice (people meet to talk discuss problems and share advice on writing)? I have thought about trying to start a readership group while I think that link is describing the latter. Anyway, I think there could be potential for both and would be happy to talk further about starting something up
well, remember how we started thinking of setting up a paper writing school, so to speak,
well maybe the paper writing club already designed and resourced by the link you shared (authoraid) seems such an excellent resources would be a way of setting up a school, we could of course complement thenexisting materials with our own
This sounds great Paola, I’d be happy to support setting up an IGDORE writing club. What do you think the first step is?
Ah, great, I think we could (thinking from the top of my head first thing in the morning)
form a team (you, me and whoever else is on board), open a web page on IGDORE and a dedicated mailing list (not the forum) for fast communication
Point to the resources from https://www.authoraid.info/en/resources/ on the web page
It looks to me this was an excellent dig- how did you find it? I have only looked at the titles tho Have you evaluated the materials themselves yet? Find a way to interact with these folks Should we write a joint email (signed by the writing club members) asking if there is a formal way they want us to use their stuff, and if there is a formal way to contribute to the resource
have a periodical online meeting to go through each resource ourselves (read it comment it, familiarize ourselves with it) and have two or three kinds of sessions on demand
I am an author, I need help getting my paper finished, its a mess Club members help each other to improve the manuscript (offer co-authorship if the help is substantial)
I have not yet published my first manuscript, I need general mentoring to help me prepare my first submission *offer acknowledgement to the club for input, guidance, cheering
I am an experienced researcher and author. I have something to say that is not already covered in the toolkit. I want to add or extend or give another perspective on the material already in the toolkit, or I would like to create additional materials. This would be an original contribution that could lead to a publication itself, ie, make a contribution to knowledge that can be published on the subject of academic writing, lessons learned here or something
Peer review. I think it would be very valuable if IGDORE membership could offer a peer review service via the club, anyone who would like to have their paper read and commented on before it is submitted, could do so here,
Open to modifications
This is my best morning thinking