IGDORE needs a learning platform (LMS) to start offer education online. We’re looking into different SaaS (Software as a Service) providers for the Open EdX platform (which is fully open source):
There are 13 alternatives. Anyone knows anything about any of them? Any prior experience?
I think all 13 offer free trials. I’ve created a free 14 days trial with MOOCit. Will do the same with Graspway. The latter seems to have some integration with Wordpress, which could potentially be beneficial since Wordpress is huge, has a stable economy and a great tech support.
If anyone wants to create a free trial with any of the 13 alternatives and help us out in our search for the best SaaS for IGDORE, please do, we would really appreciate it!
Please share below any feedback you might have about any of these SaaS.
I am not really an expert, I am going to spend some time researching online/asking some people in other communities.
I will post my results in this thread (thanks @rebecca for initiating it).
Sorry, I don’t have any direct experience with Open edX.
I was once approached by Pluralsight to create a MOOC on something scientific Python, but ended up not following through. Pluralsight is very industry-oriented and I guess it’s not open-source.
Hi @Rebecca, I’m afraid I still haven’t gotten very far with looking into online learning and teaching platforms, so I’m not much use here. But Open EdX looks interesting, I hope you find the right provider.
Would it maybe be an option to ask a University to join forces? I know that the University of Zurich uses Open EdX (https://openedx.uzh.ch/) and I’d be happy to create the contact (I did my PhD there). Might also generate a nice collaboration with the Center for Reproducible Science.
I’ve looked through them all and there’s only three that seem suitable: OpenCraft, eduNEXT and Graspway. Of these I’d start with eduNEXT because they seem focused on smaller customers and have the free LITE option “to get started and test”.
The platform costs quite a lot to host and maintain so that might be a reason for universities to join forces. At the same I doubt that a traditional university such as UZH would be interested in allowing IGDORE to use their platform for our courses unless we can pay significantly for it. And if we anyway pay, then I guess we would like to use our own logo. Relevant here is also that we sooner or later (maybe sooner) may want to apply to the Swedish government to become an ‘enskild utbildningsanordnare’, which means that we would gain the formal status of college/university. If doing that, then the online EdX platform would become our main “campus” so to speak.
But your suggestion is very inspiring, Heidi, and may lead to new interesting ideas!