Lifelong Learning Platform: a call for system change


For all of you, who are interested in collaborating for the development of the Lifelong Learning’s Platform Annual Position Paper for 2024. This year’s theme is 21st century challenges for the teaching profession; a call for system change , you can see the concept note below:

They would look at different types of staff working in education and training, within all sectors of activity. Much of the focus in EU policies falls on teacher shortages, missing out frequently on educators in the adult education sector, at the wide variety of staff in higher education or various roles existent in early childhood education and care. LLLPlatform’s Position Paper will touch upon any professional working in education and training, irrespective of the sector, level, format of learning. A non-exhaustive list of such professionals, only for reference, is teachers, educators, trainers, mentors, counsellors, guidance professionals, tutors, facilitators, etc.

They will hold one focus group discussion in May and anyone can join this discussion via the form below. Deadline for filling in this form is 1 April 2024 .

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