Monthly Journal Club

Every month we could pick a paper on open and transparent practices and discuss it in the forum. @rebecca, which tags would you use for such a service?


oh right, the tags… i’m worst at that!

What happened to this journal club @antonio.schettino ??? @pcmasuzzo and I mentioned it would be great to start one and I never knew that this had already been planned!

How about we continue with the paper Paola posted earlier this month and then pick a new one for January?

I can start announcing them in the newsletter. Does this work for everybody? @pcmasuzzo, @antonio.schettino, @rebecca (please let me know by Monday - I can announce the journal club and the current paper in the IGDORE newsletter on Tuesday). [Edit - after my initially burst of excitement, it seems better to organise this a bit more and perhaps consider starting it in January]

Nowadays there is ReproducibiliTea, which is a quite established journal club. But perhaps only in psychology? Maybe there would be people interested in running a version of it here on the forum.


I hadn’t heard of ReproducibiliTea before but it looks quite good, thanks for pointing it out @rebecca. I notice they are based around actual discussion sessions rather than forum exchanges - does anybody have a preference for verbal vs. written discussion (or both?). The written discussion would at least be more inclusive given the wide time zone distribution of forum users.


As far as I can remember, there was no plan but just a general idea. I like it although, unfortunately, I am not sure I can guarantee regular contributions.

I lead the Erasmus ReproducibiliTea journal club. In case IGDORE wishes to open its own ReproTea chapter, I can help by providing information and sharing my own experience in Rotterdam.

True, all ReproTeas I know are live conversations, typically lasting between 45’ and 90’. I see the benefits of written discussions to accommodate different time zones, although I cannot immediately see how this format would be any different than a typical exchange of messages on this forum.

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Yeah, quite a few open science papers do get posted on the forum and receive varying engagement. I guess the point would just be too emphasise a given paper/post more - link it in the newsletter, twitter, facebook etc. to make it a particular focus for the month. Although the posts will still probably have quite variable engagement compared to people joining a meeting at a fixed time for a conversation.

Is Erasmus ReproTea hosting virtual meetings now @antonio.schettino? do you get consistent attendance/engagement? I’d be happy to hear more about your experiences there! :smiley:

What about a hybrid approach? Announce a paper at the start of the month in a forum post, a written discussion can take place, and then we can have a meeting to discuss the paper and possibly some of the comments from people who aren’t present.

Thanks, now I understand the added value… it’s a good idea! Perhaps we could start in January with an introduction to open science… @pcmasuzzo would surely have some nice suggestions, I usually recommend one of her papers :wink:

Yes, since March all activities of the Open Science Community Rotterdam (including ReproTea) are online. Attendance and active participation are much higher than in-person meetings, so I think I will continue this fully online format even in a post-corona world. If you are curious about our activities, feel free to browse our website.

This is also a very cool idea! It should be piloted and might probably be a bit awkward at first, but it’s definitely worth a shot.


Hi, and apologies for coming to the party a bit late (December is chaos at work, usually). I know pretty well the ReproducibiliTea and other journal clubs initiatives, too, I love this one for preprints, for example: (great stuff from the preview folks). Anyway, my two cents are that these initiatives do not hamper or minimize what we could do on this space. I like the hybrid approach that @Gavin suggested, and we could definitely kick off with an intro to open science. I have a preprint that was never published (go figure) - which could benefit from feedback LOL (perhaps @antonio.schettino was referring to that one?).

What do we do next? :slight_smile:


If you’re talking about this one, yes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ahahah OK @antonio.schettino - a rather old one, but thanks for still pinging it to people :wink:

January it is, then! @Gavin - shall we plan something in with a little more detail?


We probably should do some planning. I found a few links about setting up ReproducibiliTea and Prereview journal clubs that I thought could be helpful.

ReproducibiliTea also has some suggestions for papers to start with in their Zotero library. Anyway, I will message you about the details and then we can post back here.