I just attended an NCIS webinar where Helen Ross gave a fascinating presentation on her own experiences, and we had a fantastic discussion afterwards. I had not realised that NCIS had such a strong British core as their executive members (Amanda Haste, Linda Baines (former Ronin)) and the invited speaker (Helen Ross) were all British. They made a call for an Open Access publication on independent scholarship to be called NCIS Guide For Independent Scholars which might appeal to many of us (like their Cookbook published late last year). Please note that their CfP has been extended till end of this month/early next month, and please direct all queries to the email(s) on the webpage. Let’s see whether we can contribute chapters on being an independent scholar to the NCIS volume!
Thanks for sharing @keithtse! Do you know if the call is open to submissions from outside NCIS and their partner groups?
Thanks @Gavin . As far as I understand, this is an open CfP for all independent scholars in the world, not just those associated with NCIS. Here is a message from Linda Baines which contains more detail:
I meant to add the deadline for the Call for Proposals for NCIS’s Guide for Independent Scholars closed last week. Although there is some flexibility around this, we would encourage anyone who is considering submitting a proposal to do so in the near future.
We’re happy to extend the call for proposals for the NCIS Guide for Independent Scholars to 31 March 2023. (For ease of reference, I attach of the Call for Proposals. )
For proposals that we accept, we have set a deadline of 31 May for submissions. We are looking for a maximum of 6,000 - 7,000 words (without references) and we will accept shorter pieces. Contributions should be submitted in Word and to be unformatted i.e. do not use style headings. Headings, section or subheadings in normal bold text IS Guide_CFP_v6_5Dec2022.pdf (175.6 KB)
I have just received a final call from Linda Baines for the NCIS Independent Scholars’ Guide. All those interested in contributing to their book project please get in touch with Linda and NCIS immediately, as detailed below:
Hi Keith
I hope you’re well.
We’re hoping to finalise the structure of the NCIS IS Guide next next month.
It would be helpful if you could clarify if your colleagues at Ronin and IGDORE plan to submit any proposals by the end of this month. It would be difficult for us to extend the deadline for proposals beyond then.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Linda Baines PhD President, NCIS president@ncis.org
Final call from NCIS. Interested parties should get going right now
Thank you for coming back so quickly.
In my email of 22 February we explained that the original deadline for proposals was 15 February (and this was set out in the Call for Proposals which we shared with you). In the same email we agreed to extend the deadline for you, and potentially interested colleagues at Ronin and IGDORE to 31 March 2023
We also explained that the deadline for full submissions / contributions (where we accepted proposals) is 31 May 2023. We also set out the guidelines for submissions - a maximum of 6,000 - 7,000 words (without references) and shorter pieces will be accepted. Contributions should be submitted in Word and to be unformatted i.e. do not use style headings. Headings, section or subheadings in normal bold text.
So we need to receive any further proposals by Monday 3 April at the very latest. It is going to be very difficult to change or extend any of these deadlines without endangering our planned publication schedule.
We look forward to receiving any proposals by early next week.
Best wishes Linda president@ncis.org