Open Review - other, related experiences?

CulturalScienceJournal_Call for papers.pdf (75.9 KB)

Hello, All! (my first post here).

Recently, I got the attached call for papers from a trusted colleague. I was intrigued by the description of the review process:

“…The journal adopts an open peer review process in which submissions are published as pre-prints on the journal pre-print website, after first-round editorial check and approval. The editors decide whether or not the article fits the journal’s scope and is suitable for peer discussion. After the public pre-print stage of debating with peers, the editorial board decides whether to accept a submission for publication in the regular online version of the journal Cultural Science…”

I would like to know whether someone has experience with such processes. I recall one (not disclosed here) where I moved out because of the limited ‘effectiveness’ of a little moderated process.

best regards, Martin


Hi @martin.bohle! :wave:

This sounds a bit like the publish-review-curate model that eLife (and other journals) is using now.

However, reviewing preprints via a discussion forum is new for me. I think it could work well but well probably depend a lot on the community and moderators of the forum. Peer review innovation is important so I am happy to see a journal trying something new ( is a good database to find other new peer review projects)