Valerija Korošec

Welcome to IGDORE, Valerija Korošec!

Valerija has been employed at the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD) of the Slovenian Government since 2001. She is engaged in analyzing the European social policy and data on poverty, inequality, material deprivation, social exclusion, and gender equality, as well as Sustainable Development Goals and different synthetic development indicators, such as the Human Development Index, Social Progress Index, and Prosperity index. She conducts independent research in UTD Social policy exploring conditions and possibilities of introducing Universal Basic Items (Income, Water, Energy, Jobs in the form of a shorter working week, etc.) as human rights within the market oriented yet democratic societies. She is among the authors of the first Slovenian UTD proposal (2010) and coordinator of the Slovenian UTD network.

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See the full list of their publications here.


Welcome to IGDORE, Valerija! :wave:

glad to see macroeconomists here. :slight_smile: