Lucia Tamburino

Warm welcome to IGDORE, Lucia Tamburino!

Lucia has a background in Mathematics and Natural Sciences. She holds a PhD in Forest Ecology and has a post-doctoral research experience at SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences). Her research focuses on sustainability issues with an emphasis on population-resource relationship. She combines an analytical approach with a broader perspective, which includes technical, social and ecological aspects. By joining IGDORE, she aims to carry on independent research in a more free and flexible way, contributing to the Open Science community.

Orcid: 0000-0003-1974-7158

For the full list of IGDORE’s affiliated researchers and researchers in training, click here .

See the full list of their publications here .


Welcome, Lucia :slight_smile:

Very happy to have you onboard!

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glad to have you here, @lucia. :slight_smile:

what do you think about covid-19 as a means to eradicate the weaker population? reddit subs are chock full of this conspiracy theory. :frowning: