Announcing the PREreview Champions Program! | Apply by January 5th 2024

What is the PREreview Champions Program?

The Champions Program has the following main goals:

  1. To recognize and further empower our dedicated community members by providing them with the skills and tools they need to support others participate in open, preprint peer review.
  2. To increase global awareness of PREreview and the benefits of open, preprint peer review in general.
  3. To engage early-career researchers around the globe, particularly in communities outside of North America and Western Europe.
  4. To engage with preprint authors on a global scale and help them get reviews on their research manuscripts.

The Champions Program is a cohort program running for 6 months (February - July 2024). 20 Champions selected via an application process will participate in collaborative training sessions and will have opportunities to work together and share experiences and knowledge with one another and with their communities. The first three sessions of the training will comprise of our three-part Open Reviewers workshop: Champions will have the opportunity to reflect on the impact of personal and structural bias in peer review (Module I), learn how to provide constructive, clear, and actionable feedback to a research manuscript (Module II), and apply all that was learned by reviewing a preprint collaboratively with their fellow Champions (Module III). The last module is dedicated to equipping Champions with the resources and skills to train others.