Education in Turkey Progress Reports Issued By European Commission: An Analysis of The Years Between 1998 - 2018

Bağlıbel, M., & Samancıoğlu, M. (2019). Avrupa Komisyonu Türkiye İlerleme Raporlarında Eğitim: 1998-2018 Yıllarına İlişkin Bir İnceleme [Education in Turkey Progress Reports Issued By European Commission: An Analysis of The Years Between 1998 - 2018]. Yaşadıkça Eğitim, 33, 47-68.

Abstract The aim of this study is to analyse the education-related issues in Turkey Progress Reports by European Commission. In this study, document analysis research method based on a qualitative approach was employed. The reports, issued between the years 1998-2018, were examined by using content analysis. In this analysis, 75 codes, 10 categories, and 3 themes emerged. These themes were named as formal education, non-formal education, and development of institutional capacity. The formal education was the most frequently mentioned theme in the reports, followed by non-formal education and development of institutional capacity themes, respectively. Also, the most frequently mentioned categories were the lifelong learning under the non-formal education, and vocational-technical education, and disadvantaged groups under the formal education theme in the reports. Furthermore, the number of issues related to education between 2015 and 2018 is seen to be relatively more than the ones emerged during 2006-2014 period. Some recommendations regarding the issues mentioned in the EU reports were made at the end of the study.