Warm welcome to IGDORE, Emanuel Larsson!
Emanuel has an MSc degree in Engineering Biology, Devices and Materials in Biomedicine/Biophysics and a Joint PhD degree in Molecular Physics and Information Engineering from Linköping University and University of Trieste, respectively. During his MSc, PhD and Post Doc he was stationed at tomographic imaging beamlines at two different synchrotron light sources, both in Italy and in Germany. With an interdisciplinary and technical approach he investigates the internal composition of samples from the Forest Science, Food Science, Materials Science, and Life Science field, including medical devices. He also looks forward to contributing to the Open Science community, especially when it comes to educational aspects, i.e. teaching tomographic imaging and image processing/analysis to fellow researchers.
For the full list of IGDORE’s affiliated researchers and researchers in training, click here.
See the full list of their publications here.