Official or valid(ated) translation of "IGDORE" into French

Hi everyone,

I just had to submit a short bio as the translator of a philosophy book. It’s in French so I found myself translating “Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education.” I came up with the following: “Institut pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche Ouverts et Distribués Mondialement” :innocent:

Do French-speaking members have a take? Could we agree on a standard French version for “IGDORE?”

All the best, Marianne


Names in English are translated in French? :smiley:Interesting! @Enrico.Fucci knows French I believe. Can we make Marianne’s suggestion standard? Do we have other French speakers with thoughts on this?

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Well, obviously I kept the acronym as is! But for the sentence to read well, I wrote: “… chercheuse indépendante à l’Institut pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche Ouverts et Distribués Mondialement (IGDORE).” :wink:

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Sorry for being late on this!

I have had a short bio made in French and it says the following: “Il est chercheur et membre du conseil d’administration de l’Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education (IGDORE)” So no translation in French in this case.

I guess both ways are fine (translated or not) and your translation @mkcor might count as the official one, since it is the first :wink:


Thanks, @Enrico.Fucci! Following up on this request, the book is now published: Philosophie (see back cover)

@rebecca is there a specific process to submit an entry to be featured under “Latest publications from our researchers” in the monthly newsletter? Should I just email you the details? Thanks!


@Gavin, you’re the one responsible for the latest publications update. What’s the standard procedure nowadays?

Congrats Marianne! :slight_smile:

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Congratulations Marianne! Please send an email to with the bibliographic details or PM them to me and I’ll add this to the next newsletter.

I have some saved searches on Google/Scholar but they almost certainly wouldn’t have found this reference. So thanks for letting me know about it :slight_smile:


Thank you, Gavin!


Sure, it’s a book and it’s in French, so it’s understandable. Also, I’m only the translator and this field is not always filled in the metadata!