Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Research Conference 2021 (April 7-9)

The second Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Research Conference 2021 will take place online from April 7-9, 2021.

In order to participate, you are invited to submit an abstract of 250-500 words on your empirical or conceptual work to one of these conference tracks:

Track 1 : Open and collaborative approaches along the entire scientific research process and their effects.

Track 2 : Ecosystems and organizational designs facilitating open and collaborative research approaches.

Track 3 : Micro-foundations of open and collaborative research approaches.

Submission deadline is January 29, 2021. Participation is free. There will be paper presentation sessions, keynotes, an OIS experimentation session, an OIS debate, and virtual social activities. Please see the conference website for more details.

Note: I participated in the first OIS conference 2019 in Vienna, Austria, which was very well organised, rich in content and discussions, and had a wonderful collegial atmosphere. That conference also marked the beginning of a collaborative process that led to the article “The Open Innovation in Science Research Field: A Collaborative Conceptualisation Approach”, published in August 2020.