AIMOS 2021 is now receiving expression of interest for attendance. Content submissions will be recieved until October 30th.
Metaresearch brings together questions about incentives and efficiencies in scientific practice, research integrity and management, and the reliability of the evidence base for practice, decisions and policy. Open Science relates to data and code sharing, open source software development, open access, open peer review and transparency of methods and analysis. The 3rd annual conference of the Association for Interdisciplinary Metaresearch and Open Science (aimos) is an opportunity for scholars, practitioners and institutional representatives to share knowledge, develop and discuss initiatives to improve the practice and culture of science, and to foster the growing community of metaresearchers globally.
aimos 2021 will be a partially unstructured conference with a range of interspersed session types followed by Q & A and will comprise:
plenary lectures and mini-notes (by invitation only)
lightning panels- short talks grouped by theme (open submission)
workshops - experienced researchers give guided instruction and training on a particular topic (open submission)
hackathons - a hands-on project with a clear end goal (open submission)
discussion groups - unstructured but should have a focal issue or question (open submission)
In 2021 the conference will also support “discover metascience” sessions, which provide background and introduction for those new to aimos or metaresearch and open science more generally.
Operationalizing value-driven research and identifying partners to support transformation in academia
Modern institutionalization of research and the influence of different stakeholders and intermediaries have reduced the role of shared values in research. In theory, norms and values express themselves in actions while, in practice, many academics find that aligning research practice with their values is challenging. Indeed, significant parts of academia have reached a stage where the current structures incentivize research practices that frequently stand in the way of academics accomplishing their core mission of generating, curating and sharing knowledge for the benefit of society and the world. Yet the rise of open science, citizen science, and independent scholarship all illustrate that alternative options exist for research to be performed across, or even outside of, academia. In this discussion, we will explore possibilities to systematically strengthen the expression of values in research workflows as well as how research-aligned communities outside formal academia can help drive and accelerate some of the necessary changes in the research ecosystem, including in academia. Some guiding questions will be:
How do researchers currently put their own values into practice?
How can research communities operationalize shared values in research?
What support do reform movements inside mainstream academia require?
How can independent institutes and other grassroots initiatives support reform movements across the research ecosystem?