Open Science Conference October 8-9 2025 in Hamburg!

:rotating_light: New open science conference alert! :rotating_light:

The Open Science Conference 2025 will be held in Hamburg on October 8-9. With a special focus on Open Science and AI, the two-day conference sounds both super interesting and timely!

Information from the organizers:

The Open Science Conference is an annual international conference dedicated to the Open Science movement. It provides a unique forum for researchers, data stewards, librarians, practitioners, infrastructure providers, policy makers, and other important stakeholders to discuss the latest and future developments in Open Science. In 2025, the conference returns to its roots and takes place as a face-to-face event in Hamburg again.

This year’s conference will have a special focus on the intersection between Open Science and AI. The rapid integration of artificial intelligence and corresponding tools into scientific research poses both new challenges but also opportunities for Open Science practices. This requires a reflection on how this can be aligned with transparency, accessibility, reproducibility, and reusability as core principles of Open Science.

More information will be posted at the conference website:

Want to find others who are planning to go or maybe someone to travel/carpool with? Write something down below! :heart_hands:


I’m part of the organizing team, and we’d welcome others to join us in organizing the program! Whether you’re a seasoned conference organizer or someone wanting to get a first experience organizing a conference - or an open science themed one - feel free to reach out.

For now, we’re planning this primarily as an in-person event but we will visit the venue next week, and exploring the options for hybrid participation is on our mind too.

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