Hi everyone!
This is just to inform you that this forum category (‘IGDORE’ under ‘Organisations’) from now on is for IGDORE people only. No one outside of IGDORE can read, write, or see the category or the posts.
Examples of how you may use this category:
- Asking questions about IGDORE
- Requesting help with email issues
- Informing IGDORE about your new publications
- Connecting with other IGDORE people
- Posting ideas on how to improve services or further develop IGDORE
- Other internal discussions
There were a few posts that should remain public. I moved them to the category called ‘Openness movements’.
The purpose of this change is to create an internal place on the forum for everyone affiliated with IGDORE. If you want to stay updated on internal discussions but stay out of other topics then you can enable (email) notifications from this category while making all other categories silent (i.e. not receiving any notifications).
All new researchers should be automatically added to this category. If you hear of someone who doesn’t have access, please send a message or email to @rebecca (rebecca.willen@igdore.org).