Response to OpenCon statement (Dr. Jon Tennant, IGDORE)

Dear all,

The collective statement related to Codes of Conduct and requesting a profound revision of their application (we initiated the work on this forum) is ready. Given the present circumstances, we postponed the publication, as to not interfere with the present expressions of sympathy and grief, and propose to publish that statement on the coming Friday. We will post the link in these channels, and on social media, so that people may read it and express their support (people will be able to co-sign the statement). We dedicated this statement to Jon, whose dealings with the inappropriate effects of these Codes of Conduct these last months inspired this reflection and the will to sparkle a discussion. Jon can no longer benefit from that support, but at least we hope that this reflection may help to avoid such ordeals in the future.

We send you strength in these difficult times.

VĂ©ronique and the other contributors of the statement (Asger, Ingo, Michael, Tobias, Wojciech and Rebecca T. + a dozen contributors who chose to remain anonymous)


In memoriam of Jon Tennant @protohedgehog – Reflection on the uses of, and invitation to reevaluate existing Codes of Conduct in #open #communities #coc :fast_forward::fast_forward::fast_forward:

Here is the link to the tweet as well :

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