What is new academia?

I wrote this post a while ago:

From the post:

Scientific work is not exclusively done at universities. Science is also practised by independent scholars all around the world, with or without a formal doctorate degree. Some are affiliated with independent research institutes such as Ronin Institute for Independent Scholars, Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education (IGDORE) and CORES Science & Engineering. Others collaborate with friends and colleagues to start their own independent laboratories (e.g. Walden III), networks (e.g. SENS) or small research companies (e.g. Amber Biology). Yet others pursue science without being affiliated to any institute, network or company, which typically also mean that they conduct science without any funding or employment.


Same as the even older? Before everything got calcified into almost exclusively universities, titles and formal training. From antiquity until early 20th century it seems science and philosophy was a lovely chaos of universities, priests, patrons, amateurs, gentlemen scientists, businesses, teachers, associations, museums and so on.

It’s a good article giving me an insight of the context behind this beautiful coworking space.
Now I understand why this space is designed for the researchers and students to focus on their own work with sincerity.

I could find that the term ‘Digital Nomadism’ and ‘Coworking Space’ can be applied to researchers and students in terms of ‘Openess, Independence, Autonomy, Side Projects etc’
I would love to introduce this special coworking space to researchers and students in Korea.

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It’s really important to enable researchers to do research outside walls of universities and help traditional academics see there are alternatives to a tenure track!
I see the “New academia” as a great way to acknowledge that anybody can have great ideas, not only senior academics, which is really powerful to empower new researchers, give them self-confidence and, represents a support to their work.

What type of agreement is there between the independent scholar and hosting institutes such as IGDORE or RONIN?

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