The Seeds of Science team got in touch with IGDORE about publicising their new journal. I think it’s legit and looks refreshingly innovative (could the acronym SoS be intended to convey a more urgent appeal about the state of scientific publishing?). I thought it was an interesting coincidence that the name for the Seed of Science peer-reviewers is Gardeners - the Mindful Researchers initiative is active in this forum and also calls their community organizers gardeners
From the homepage:
Scientific ideas, especially the truly innovative ones, are like seeds - they need fertile ground and tender care in order to grow to their true potential.
Seeds of Science ( ISSN: 2768-1254) is a journal and community dedicated to nurturing promising ideas (“Seeds of Science”) and helping them blossom into scientific innovation. There is one simple criterion in our peer review: do your ideas have the potential to advance science? Peer review is crowdsourced yes/no voting and commenting by our diverse network of reviewers (“gardeners” as we call them - free to join, more information available here). Visit the About page or read The Seeds of Science Manifesto to learn more about our mission and philosophy.
I enjoyed reading the Manifesto — SoS
More broadly, Seeds of Science is an experiment in publishing and community building that hopes to find some initial answers to the following questions:
- Can we create new organizations that encourage creativity and diversity of thought in the sciences?
- How many new ideas never see the light of day or receive the attention they deserve because of our current scientific publishing system?
- Can people outside of traditional academic science (or at the lower levels of it) make valuable contributions if given the proper platform and support?
Overall, Seeds of Science seems a bit similar to the Research Idea publication type at RIO and Medical Hypothesis (at least before it switch from editorial to peer review). I look forward to seeing how this develops.