How can we honor Jon's memory?

We published few text about Jon in Croatian and English at our websites and social networks (English and We are missing Jon so much…


I am gathering ideas and material here, I am planning one event next Thursday 15h UTC


Hi Rebecca, thanks for this. I’d suggest and prefer that any overflow funds from the crowdfunding campaign would go towards Open Science and Open Access initiatives and supporting rogue academics - probably best curated by IGDORE, e.g. to cover reasonable APCs and other expenses clearly related to and in line with OS values. <3


Hi Johanna If I may add my opinion… I agree with you on initiatives supporting OS/OA managed by IGDORE, but please not “covering APCs”… If I think of all the battles Jon fought, the one against paid OA stands. I think IGDORE can find other ways to support but notpaying APCs, even when reasonable. Hugs to all Jon’s friend community Elena


Sure, thanks for your comment. Running a preprint repository myself and with a team I am just very well aware that even the minimum requirement of article processing is time consuming and must be settled by one or the other stakeholder. Until the system is realigned on who pays for what service (incl APC) in a functional Open Science infrastructure, researchers will have to face to pay APCs and thus funds could help to serve as intermediate compensation mechanisms. But of course, this can be left out of the considerations.

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The time was confirmed: Thursday 17h CET, we will use a zoom room, please RSVP here to get the link (I am not putting it here to prevent zoombombing):

password is libre

Feel welcome to reuse the gituhb repo to prepare another ceremony at a time more fitting your time zone.


Hi everyone, I created a mirror of Jon’s website at

The mirror is of public-facing files and scripts only and some functionality is broken, for example, the accordion menu on the right side. But all of Jon’s posts and pages are preserved and can be browsed, for example, at An archive of the mirror is available at (ZIP archive, 404 MB).

I did this mostly because I am aware of how volatile the Web is. I do not know if Jon’s relatives can access the control panel of his website or the registrar of his domain. Both these will have to be renewed one day and I do not want his content to vanish.

@Rebecca10, my deepest sympathies. I had the honor of working with Jon on several papers and considered him a good friend who was always available for a chat on really any topic, from serious to incredibly stupid. We also met in 2018 for a sweet coffee session in Berlin. I will miss him terribly.

I wanted to let you know of my mirror, ask you if I should take it down (and I will respect your wish), and I also offer my support in case you have access to Jon’s website / server. I can perform a proper backup of all files / database hosted there and provide it to you. Feel free to reply here or reach me out at my e-mail address daniel AT ineed DOT coffee.


Thank you for your kind and well argumented reply. Of course feel free to include APCs again, it was only a sort of …perceived mismatching among the words “Jon” and “APCs”! Hugs from Italy


Dear all,

within IGDORE, we were also in the process of organizing a virtual gathering to honor Jon’s memory. The virtual event will take place on Saturday April 18 at 11am (London time). It will be held on Zoom. Here the meeting information:

Time: Apr 18, 2020 11:30 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting [Meeting ID temporarily removed by admin for security reasons; awaiting new information from the poster]

@jcolomb Unfortuntaly came a bit late with this announcement. We could have probably merge the two initiatives. On the other hand, this will give the opportunity to people who cannot attend one gathering to join the other.

A part from that, I am collecting all the MANY messages and photos we receive at It would be nice bring everything together with the material collected by @jcolomb. Let me know if that sounds good and we can coordinate this.


Hello everyone,

Jon Tennant has obtained the collaboration of many people who advocate for Open Science in projects such as Massively Open Translations, especially for the Open Science MOOC translation project on the Crowdin platform. Tobias Steiner mediated the request for access to Crowdin at that time as I remember. The project was in progress, but I don’t know if it will be discontinued or retaken. If it’s going to be continued, I wish I could continue helping in some way in memory of Jon. In any case, follow the project’s link as a reminder of another action headed by Jon: . Best regards to all of you.


thanks @dgraziotin. much appreciated. your kind action has made me wondered if jon’s work could get an preservation. :slight_smile:


thanks @julia_10br. this is very cool and useful, not only for the mooc, but for some of my projects related to translation. :slight_smile:

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Yes, Surya. Count me in. Thanks a lot.

That would be my next step :slight_smile: I would ask them to be allowed to talk to the ArchiveBot and archive his website.

But I feel that Jon’s relatives should have a say in this.

The project will continue, see and the associated slack channel for details.


emails were sent for the family, so unless people mentioned it could be made open, I would not put in on Github.

I am very glad you are also organising a gathering. If you want to use a meetup page to give the zoom link safely (as I did), just ping me.

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When the time is right, perhaps we could put together a collection of papers in honor of Jon’s memory (sometimes called a festscrhift). In the vein of a “special issue” of a journal. This might include: 1) opening tribute/bio for Jon, 2) a summary of his life/work, and 3) a collection of invited articles that are in the same vein as his work (or ideally, articles that build off of his work). This would all be open-access of course.

I’d be happy to help organize the project. But let’s take some time to think it over (if it’s even a good idea). I don’t want to just rush such a project for the sake of doing so.


A scienceopen collection named after him could be a nice implementation of that idea, especially considering his former work there?


In memoriam of Jon Tennant @protohedgehog – Reflection on the uses of, and invitation to reevaluate existing Codes of Conduct in #open #communities #coc :fast_forward::fast_forward::fast_forward:

Here is the link to the tweet as well :


@vdeherde Thank you for this important initiative. I have now signed and started to spread the word about the statement.

It seems it’s possible for anyone to edit and remove others’ names in the list of signatories. Any way to fix that? Maybe using a closed form instead?