The Global Board is happy to announce that IGDORE was formally registered as a non-profit foundation in Sweden this month (March 2021) The non-profit foundation now owns the IGDORE Sweden AB limited company that IGDORE previously operated under, and all of the current Global Board members are also board members for the foundation.
The Board excited by the opportunities that this will enable for the organisation and for our researchers! The main benefit will be improved eligibility for grants from Swedish and EU funding agencies.
IGDORE affiliates should inform Gavin as soon as you decide to apply for a grant so I can support your application and make sure there are no administrative issues.
The non-profit status of the foundation also means that IGDORE will no longer pay tax on donations and those made from some EU countries may be treated as tax-deductible for the donor.
The Board will provide further information about how affiliates can utilize the IGDORE foundation in the coming months. In the meantime, feel free to ask questions about IGDOREs new legal structure here.
Long answer: IGDORE now has the capability to administer grants as a research organisation, but our eligibility to do so will depend on the specific funding agency. The major Swedish funding agencies (Forte, Formas and VR) individually approve applications for each administering organisation before its researchers can apply for grants and I’ll announce here when we are approved by such agencies. For other funders, it’s just a matter of meeting their eligibility requirements rather than getting prior approval.
Any IGDORE researcher who would like to apply for a grant through IGDORE should contact me as early as possible so we can look into the eligibility requirements.
It’s typically 20%, but the OH is generally negotiable because our aim is to enable and support good science so if 20% isn’t possible or reasonable for some reason then we’re happy to discuss it.
Yes, RAs can be hired by IGDORE within a project we host funds for.
The IGDORE Board recently decided to reduce the standard overhead rate to 10%. We think that this more accurately reflects what our indirect expenses will be and that it will benefit affiliates who apply for grants through IGDORE.