Vignesh holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication from Savitribai Phule Pune University. Having worked as a systems integration tester at a large telecom enterprise and an information security engineer at a cybersecurity startup, he is now working independently on cybersecurity training and consulting projects from India. He aspires to contribute to the Open Science community and redefine good education, while pursuing his research on security risks in next-gen communication technologies and complex cyber-physical systems.
For the full list of IGDORE’s affiliated researchers and researchers in training, click here .
Which cyber-physical systems are you interested in researching risks? I came across Lauria Pycroft’s work on cybersecurity for brain-computer-interfaces (see this article and his publications) earlier this year and found it both fascinating and somewhat worrying. (possbily also of interest to @john.larocco)
My understanding is that the cybersecurity community tends to be very open in terms of publicising security flaws to encourage them to be fixed. Do you think this also translates into support for Open Science practices by the academic cybersecurity researchers?
Out of interest, how are you aiming to redefine education? Is there any field you’d like to focus on in particular.
Thanks @Gavin. I’m delighted to be a part of this community.
My core interest lies in researching cyber risks to autonomous transportation systems. Having read through the references you provided, even I feel the same about Laurie Pycroft’s work - it seems really interesting!
About the openness of the cybersecurity community - I would say that your understanding is correct in terms of disclosing details about security flaws. Although, I still feel that there is a lot of useful information about cyber-attacks which is usually not publicized. However, it would surely be interesting to draw parallels and attempt to reinforce the existing Open Science practices in academic cybersecurity research.
I have always believed that education should be an unconditional privilege that everyone must be entitled to have. I am considering working on a unique platform for imparting cybersecurity education for people of all ages, which is highly relatable and relevant. I got particularly interested in working towards this after reading about IGDORE’s long-term goal of building a new type of university. I would surely keep our community posted with any progress I make on this front and hope it creates a lasting positive impact.
That sounds great @vignesh, I’m glad to hear that IGDORE’s plans have inspired the educator in you Cybersecurity (and cyber risks) certainly seem to have been in the news more lately, so I expect there would also be demand for education in this area.
IGDORE has been planning to develop educational content, but we do not yet have the resources available to do so. @rebecca, weren’t you thinking about offering courses in this area?